Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Clearing cache for specific Component/Application in R12

Clearing cache for specific Component/Application in R12

Login as sysadmin
Select “Functional Administrator” responsibility
Go to Core Services ==> Caching Framework ==> Tuning
Query the application (for example iStore) or by Name or code.
Select the component and clear the cache.

Note: For some specific configuration changes, we need to bounce Apache also.

Clearing Global Cache in R12

a) Go to Functional Administrator Responsibility
b) Go to Core Services ==> Caching Framework
c) Go to Global configuration and clear all the cache from there.(Only If you want to clear all the  cache)


R12 Clear Cache is Required to See Supplie Site Updates [ID 1203685.1]

user level export and import

expdp parfile=PLCT170.par oracle@uslp123sd7dfcvxsza > more PLCT050.par userid= "/ as sysdba" dumpfile=T050.dmp logfile=expdpT0...