Patch Impact Analysis (or) Object Impact Analysis:-
set lines 300
column site_version format a30
column patch_version format a30
select f.bug_number "BUG_NBR",
a.filename "FILE_NAME",
substr(c.version,1,20) "PATCH_VERSION",
substr(d.version,1,20) "SITE_VERSION",
b.creation_date "PATCH_DATE"
from ad_files a,ad_patch_run_bug_actions b,
ad_file_versions c,ad_file_versions d,
ad_patch_run_bugs e,ad_bugs f
where a.file_id=b.file_id
and c.file_version_id=b.patch_file_version_id
and d.file_version_id=b.onsite_file_version_id
and b.executed_flag = 'Y'
and e.bug_id=f.bug_id
and e.patch_run_bug_id=b.patch_run_bug_id
and f.bug_number='&Patch_number'
order by b.creation_date desc;
Sometimes, the requester may ask us which patch has affected a particular file. we can use the following query to find the answer
set lines 300
column site_version format a30
column patch_version format a30
select f.bug_number "BUG_NBR",
a.filename "FILE_NAME",
substr(c.version,1,20) "PATCH_VERSION",
substr(d.version,1,20) "SITE_VERSION",
b.creation_date "PATCH_DATE"
ad_files a,
ad_patch_run_bug_actions b,
ad_file_versions c,
ad_file_versions d,
ad_patch_run_bugs e,
ad_bugs f
where a.file_id=b.file_id
and a.filename like '&FILE_NAME' -- use %
and c.file_version_id=b.patch_file_version_id
and d.file_version_id=b.onsite_file_version_id
and b.executed_flag = 'Y'
and e.bug_id=f.bug_id
and e.patch_run_bug_id=b.patch_run_bug_id
order by b.creation_date desc;
How To Use Patch Wizard Without Setting Up Internet Connection (Doc ID 741129.1)
Monday, June 23, 2014
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