Monday, July 5, 2010

Temp usage SQL's

Script to find the temp usage

SELECT S.sid,S.serial# sid_serial, S.username, S.osuser, P.spid, S.module,S.program, SUM (T.blocks) * TBS.block_size / 1024 / 1024 mb_used, T.tablespace,COUNT(*) sort_ops
FROM v$sort_usage T, v$session S, dba_tablespaces TBS, v$process P
WHERE T.session_addr = S.saddr
AND S.paddr = P.addr
AND T.tablespace = TBS.tablespace_name
GROUP BY S.sid, S.serial#, S.username, S.osuser, P.spid, S.module,
S.program, TBS.block_size, T.tablespace
ORDER BY sid_serial;

To get the SQL running in the temp tablespace

SELECT S.sid || ',' || S.serial# sid_serial, S.username,
T.blocks * TBS.block_size / 1024 / 1024 mb_used, T.tablespace,
T.sqladdr address, Q.hash_value, Q.sql_text
FROM v$sort_usage T, v$session S, v$sqlarea Q, dba_tablespaces TBS
WHERE T.session_addr = S.saddr
AND T.sqladdr = Q.address (+)
AND T.tablespace = TBS.tablespace_name

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user level export and import

expdp parfile=PLCT170.par oracle@uslp123sd7dfcvxsza > more PLCT050.par userid= "/ as sysdba" dumpfile=T050.dmp logfile=expdpT0...