Sunday, July 13, 2008


FNDCPASS logon 0 Y system/password mode username new_password
Where MODE is SYSTEM/USER/ORACLE/ALLORACLE (Introduced with patch 4745998

Use this command to change the password of a schema provided by an individual product in Oracle Applications.
FNDCPASS apps/ 0 Y system/ ORACLE Ex: FNDCPASS apps/apps 0 Y system/manager ORACLE GL GL1
3.To change all ORACLE schema passwords:Use this command to change the passwords of all schemas provided by Oracle Application products.
FNDCPASS apps/ 0 Y system/ ALLORACLE Ex: FNDCPASS apps/apps 0 Y system/manager ALLORACLE welcome
4.To change an Oracle Applications user’s password:You can use this command to change an individual Oracle Applications user’s password.
FNDCPASS apps/ 0 Y system/ USER Ex: FNDCPASS apps/apps 0 Y system/manager USER sysadmin welcome
FNDCPASS apps/gat5s 0 Y system/wynk00p USER st2008 oracle12

Changing passwords frequently helps ensure database security. Oracle Applications provides a command line utility,FNDCPASS, to set Oracle Applications schema passwords. This utility changes the password registered in OracleApplications tables and changes the schema password in the database. This utility can also change user passwords.
Note: You cannot change a schema name, such as APPLSYS or GL, after a product is installed, with FNDCPASS.
Attention: Ensure that the entire Oracle Applications system has been shut down before changing any schema passwords.
All users should log out and the Applications system should be down before running this utility.
If Oracle Applications user passwords are being changed then the relevant users should not be logged in.
Attention: Before changing any passwords, you should make a backup of the tables FND_USER and FND_ORACLE_USERID.
1.To change the APPS and APPLSYS schema password:Use this command to change passwords for schemas that are used by shared components of Oracle Applications.
FNDCPASS apps/ 0 Y system/ SYSTEM APPLSYS Ex: $FNDCPASS apps/apps 0 Y system/manager SYSTEM APPLSYS NEWPASSWORDAttention: Passwords for APPLSYS and the APPS schemas — including the MRC schema — must be the same.If you change the password for one, FNDCPASS automatically changes the others.This command does the following:
1. Validates APPLSYS.2. Re-registers password in Oracle Applications.3. Changes the APPLSYS and all APPS passwords (for multi-APPS schema installations) to the same password.Because everything with a Privilege Level [set to any of (’E', ‘U’, ‘D’)] in the FND_ORACLE_USERID tablemust always have the same password, FNDCPASS updates these passwords as well as APPLSYS’s password.For example, the APPS password will be updated when the APPLSYS password is changed.4. ALTER USER is executed to change the ORACLE password
for the above ORACLE users.
2.To change an Oracle Applications schema password (other than APPS/APPLSYS):Use this command to change the password of a schema provided by an individual product in Oracle Applications.
FNDCPASS apps/ 0 Y system/ ORACLE Ex: FNDCPASS apps/apps 0 Y system/manager ORACLE GL GL1
3.To change all ORACLE schema passwords:Use this command to change the passwords of all schemas provided by Oracle Application products.
FNDCPASS apps/ 0 Y system/ ALLORACLE Ex: FNDCPASS apps/apps 0 Y system/manager ALLORACLE welcome
4.To change an Oracle Applications user’s password:You can use this command to change an individual Oracle Applications user’s password.
FNDCPASS apps/ 0 Y system/ USER Ex: FNDCPASS apps/apps 0 Y system/manager USER sysadmin welcome
5.Post Step:
1. Use the FNDCPASS utility to change the password.
FNDCPASS APPS/ 0 Y SYSTEM/SYSTEM ORACLE ALLORACLE USER 2. Update configuration files.If you changed the APPS schema password (and APPLSYS) or the APPLSYSPUB password,update the following configuration files using AutoConfig (do not manually editthese files). They are used when connecting to Oracle Applications.If you changed the APPS (and APPLSYS) password, update the password in these files: iAS_TOP/Apache/modplsql/cfg/wdbsvr.appORACLE_HOME/reports60/server/CGIcmd.dat
If you changed the APPLSYSPUB password, update the password in these files: FND_TOP/resource/appsweb.cfg OA_HTML/bin/appsweb.cfgFND_TOP/secure/_.dbcNote: When changing APPS (or APPLSYS) and APPLSYSPUB passwords, do not restart thesystem until the entire password change process has been completed.
3. Verify the new password.
If you changed the password for APPS (and APPLSYS),restart all concurrent managers, then log on to Oracle Applications to test the new password.
#!/usr/bin/sh################################################################################# Program ID : Version : V1.0# Description: EBS 11.5.10 APPS passwd change# Reversion History# Date Version Name Description# ———- ——- ————– —————————————-# 2005.12.8 1.0 Bandari Huang Initial################################################################################
########## Initial Parameter ###############module_pass=”"old_apps_pass=”"new_apps_pass=”"system_pass=”"############################################
echo “GL password : “$module_passFNDCPASS apps/$old_apps_pass 0 Y system/$system_pass oracle gl $module_pass
echo “AP password : “$module_passFNDCPASS apps/$old_apps_pass 0 Y system/$system_pass oracle ap $module_pass
echo “AR password : “$module_passFNDCPASS apps/$old_apps_pass 0 Y system/$system_pass oracle ar $module_pass
echo “FA password : “$module_passFNDCPASS apps/$old_apps_pass 0 Y system/$system_pass oracle fa $module_pass
echo “INV password : “$module_passFNDCPASS apps/$old_apps_pass 0 Y system/$system_pass oracle inv $module_pass
echo “PO password : “$module_passFNDCPASS apps/$old_apps_pass 0 Y system/$system_pass oracle po $module_pass
echo “BOM password : “$module_passFNDCPASS apps/$old_apps_pass 0 Y system/$system_pass oracle bom $module_pass
echo “WIP password : “$module_passFNDCPASS apps/$old_apps_pass 0 Y system/$system_pass oracle wip $module_pass
echo “HR password : “$module_passFNDCPASS apps/$old_apps_pass 0 Y system/$system_pass oracle hr $module_pass
echo “ZPGL password : “$module_passFNDCPASS apps/$old_apps_pass 0 Y system/$system_pass oracle oralnxgl $module_pass
echo “ZPAP password : “$module_passFNDCPASS apps/$old_apps_pass 0 Y system/$system_pass oracle oralnxap $module_pass
echo “ZPAR password : “$module_passFNDCPASS apps/$old_apps_pass 0 Y system/$system_pass oracle oralnxar $module_pass
echo “ZPFA password : “$module_passFNDCPASS apps/$old_apps_pass 0 Y system/$system_pass oracle oralnxfa $module_pass
echo “ZPINV password : “$module_passFNDCPASS apps/$old_apps_pass 0 Y system/$system_pass oracle oralnxinv $module_pass
echo “ZPPO password : “$module_passFNDCPASS apps/$old_apps_pass 0 Y system/$system_pass oracle oralnxpo $module_pass
echo “ZPBOM password : “$module_passFNDCPASS apps/$old_apps_pass 0 Y system/$system_pass oracle oralnxbom $module_pass
echo “ZPWIP password : “$module_passFNDCPASS apps/$old_apps_pass 0 Y system/$system_pass oracle oralnxwip $module_pass
echo “ZPHR password : “$module_passFNDCPASS apps/$old_apps_pass 0 Y system/$system_pass oracle oralnxhr $module_pass
echo “ZPCST password : “$module_passFNDCPASS apps/$old_apps_pass 0 Y system/$system_pass oracle oralnxcst $module_pass
echo “APPS password : “$new_apps_passFNDCPASS apps/$old_apps_pass 0 Y system/$system_pass system applsys $new_apps_pass
########## file update
cp $APACHE_TOP/modplsql/cfg/ $APACHE_TOP/modplsql/cfg/
sed -e “s/$old_apps_pass/$new_apps_pass/g” $APACHE_TOP/modplsql/cfg/ > $APACHE_TOP/modplsql/cfg/
rm $APACHE_TOP/modplsql/cfg/
########## CGIcmd.dat file update modified by huangbandari 07-09-19
cp $ORACLE_HOME/reports60/server/CGIcmd.dat $ORACLE_HOME/reports60/server/CGIcmd.dat.old
sed -e “s/$old_apps_pass/$new_apps_pass/g” $ORACLE_HOME/reports60/server/CGIcmd.dat.old > $ORACLE_HOME/reports60/server/CGIcmd.dat
rm $ORACLE_HOME/reports60/server/CGIcmd.dat.old
Note:159270.1, Note:159244.1, Note:398942.1


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