1. Use Help > Record History
- Query the records in a given form
- Place the cursor on a field that you are interested in
- Choose Help > Record History
- The name of the base view used displays as Table Name:
- Go to the Sql*Plus
- Type desc , for example, desc mtl_system_items_fvl
- The columns of the table are displayed
- Review the columns and see if one matches the field that you are reviewing
2. Use Help > Diagnostics > Examine
- Query the records in a given form
- Place the cursor on a field that you are interested in
- Choose Help > Diagnostics > Examine
- The block and field name that contain the data in the form are displayed as
well as the value in the field.
- Many times the block name is similar to the table name in the database
- Many times the field name is similar to the column name in the database
- Also you can go back to the view in #1 and see if the column can be found
3. Use the eTRM
- Find the table name from the record history in #1
- You may still require additional information about the columns
- Goto http://metalink.oracle.com/ > Top Tech Docs > Applications Electronic
Technical Reference Manuals
- Choose your version (ie., 11.5.9)
- Type the view or table name as the search criteria
- Press search
- The view or table appears
- Press the link and get more details and descriptions about the columns in the table
4. Research the view
- Sometimes the steps in #1 and #2 lead you to a view
- Get more details about the view as well as the underlying tables and columns
with the following SQL:
set long 100000
col text format a70
set pages 100
spool view.lst
and owner = 'APPS';
spool off
- Query the records in a given form
- Choose Help > Diagnostics > Examine > Block = SYSTEM, Field= LAST_QUERY
- The query run to get the data shown is displayed.
- You can look at the various columns and tables used and research further
6. Run a trace
- Open the form that you are interested in but do not run a query
- Choose Help > Diagnostics > Trace > Trace with binds
- The trace file name and location are listed. Note them down
- Query the records
- Immediately shut trace off with Help > Diagnostics > Trace > No Trace
- The trace file name and location are listed
- Go to the database machine and get the trace file
- Create a tkprof of the trace file with the command, tkprof sys=no
- The various queries run are displayed.
- You can look at the various columns and tables used and research further
7. Open the form in Oracle Developer
- Open the form that you are interested in the Oracle Applications
- Choose Help > About
- Note the form name
- You have to first configure Oracle Developer to open forms with their
associated libraries
- Once this is done Open Developer
- Open the form in question
- Review the block, pl/sql procedures and libraries associated to the form
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