Monday, September 17, 2018

dba_editions/patch editions

Actualize the old database editions after online patching to avoid possible performance issues:

During Online patching (ADOP) : An additional column ZD_EDITION_NAME is populated in the seed tables.This happens during th prepare phase.
Online patching doesn't modify run-time seed data by the use of editioned data storage. Creating a (patch) copy of the seed data

Every time we perform online patching , there will an old database edition entry and this will accumulate as and when we do more online patching's.
Oracle suggests that we perform actualize_all after this reaches a count of 25. However it would be time consuming to perform the cleanup after the count has increased.

select count(1) from dba_editions

If the number of these grows too large, system performance will start to be affected. When the number of old database editions reaches 25 or more, you should consider dropping all old database editions by running the adop actualize_all phase and then performing a full cleanup.

Steps to remove the editons/full cleanup mode

$ adop phase=prepare
$ adop phase=actualize_all
$ adop phase=finalize finalize_mode=full
$ adop phase=cutover mtrestart=no ?(Manual restart) or adop phase=cutover
$ adop phase=cleanup cleanup_mode=full

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